These charges were introduced in 2019 at Moorfield Pre School and it reflects the growing financial pressures that the childcare sector is facing. We are continually undertaking cost reduction exercises; however, this has been deemed necessary to contribute to sustainability and to maintain the quality of our provision.
The current charge is £1.00 per hour attended. These charges will be invoiced to you half-termly.
The list of consumables and additional activities used in our setting include, hand towels, toilet rolls, tissues, soaps, washing, cleaning materials, wipes, pull-ups, sun cream, disposable gloves, all snacks, baking ingredients, messy play activities/ingredients, allotment provisions e.g., seeds, bulbs, compost, annual fee, staff training (which includes safeguarding and Paediatric first aid for all staff), parties, parent craft day and garden party, extra resources for specific topics, an annual trip, visit from Animal Magic and much much more. Whilst these charges will in no way cover our costs, it goes along way and is valued. We thank you in advance for your support.